When the C300 was announced back in November, Canon slapped a $20,000 price tag on it. Many were discouraged, hoping to see something priced below $10K. Well official pricing has been announced and the price has been cut a little. You can pre-order your very own C300 for $15,999. Still not in the price range of most, but a solid competitor to a “ready-to-shoot” F3 or Scarlet.
Ehh, hoping it would be a little cheaper than that, but anythings better then $20,000!!
I’m really confused as to why people keep comparing this to the scarlet.รย It doesn’t seem like it’s a competitor at all.รย I have yet to see a comparison that demonstrates any advantage to the C300.รย It costs more and it does less.รย Please correct me if there is something that I’m missing.