Over the last few weeks we have discussed various aspects of getting your film out there and in the hands of the right people to get you noticed. One important step in this whole process is, feedback and how better to get feedback than throwing a screen party!

Invite some of your closest friends that love movies and whose opinion you trust, that’s important, the final edit will be based on the opinions of these people, it’s important they know what they are talking about and you can trust movie critic skills.  Jason Brubaker over at Filmmaking Stuff has compiled a list of items that you will need, lets take a look:

  • Find a location spacious enough to fit at least six people.
  • Explain that the screening will be a rough cut  and the goal is to provide constructive feedback.
  • Make sure you have snacks and drinks on-hand. And if you’re getting pizza, make sure you get the delivery prior to starting the movie.
  • Make sure everybody has a pen and notepad. The goal is to take notes.
  • At the conclusion of the screening, people will have a tendency to be overly polite. While this is very nice, it isn’t helpful to you.  So it is your responsibility to ask some very tough questions.

If your goal is to put out your best work, then you will have to ask some hard questions about your film.

Filmmaking Stuff