In this video I show you how to build a very strong but lightweight 36″ camera slider. All the materials needed can be found at home depot and cost less than $50. I give you step by step instruction on how to assemble this slider with absolutely mo metal cutting and show how it can easily be attached to any tripod. this slider can be used with or without a tripod head attachment.
DIY Video Camera Slider

I’m about part way through building one, and I can’t wait to use it. We have a couple of interviews to do and it will be nice to add some movement to our interview shots.
Thanks for sharing this DIY project!
Very nice, appreciate you sharing & posting.รย Looking for options to build a 4′ slide.รย Leaning towards using rollerblade bearings and aluminum all around.
Also, looking to implament a pulley crank for ballanced motion.
Again, great DIY video!
Thanks for sharing! Love it!
awesome! The best DIY slider I have seen so far. Looks good!