So I just got our wedding bands in from our friends at Diamonds and Gold of Green Bay. …for those that don’t know, I’m getting married! ๐Ÿ™‚

I was really excited and wanted to take some pictures of them, but I didn’t have a decent lighting setup for macro photography. I had remembered reading about building your own light tent on (a fantastic site, by the way) and thought I’d give it a shot.

I couldn’t remember the exact instructions, so I pretty much made up the rest as I went along.

First off I grabbed:
my Nikon D90
my 50mm prime f1.8 Nikkor lens
my Nikon SB600 flash with stand
my YN460 flash with stand
my wireless flash triger
my macro adapter
my Leatherman
an old cardboard box
some white paper
and some tape

Next thing was to cut holes in the sides of the cardboard box. Then tape the paper over the top of it.

Then I taped a piece of paper on the inside to create an infinity curve.

After that I set up my SB600 on the left with the wireless trigger and the YN460 on the right as a slave flash.

I slapped on my 50mm prime with the macro convertor and after some work I got some pretty sweet pictures. Not bad for free!

And after some Photoshopping they look pretty professional.

The setup works pretty well and for as little as I’ll use it, you can’t beat the price. I would recommend using at least 24lb. paper so you don’t see as much of the grain in the paper. Also, I had to shoot at around f11 otherwise I’d have about half a millimeter in focus at a time.