Hello everyone!

Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years. We’ve been very busy between work at Creative Edge Productions and of course family gatherings.

But, without missing a beat, we shot some new commercials the Sunday and Monday after New Years. These were shot on my Canon 5D Mark II and edited on my new Acer AS8940G mobile editor.

I have to say, I’m loving the Canon and laptop combo. I can shoot and edit anywhere!

Here are the jewelery ads we shot:

Jewelery Ads from Tony Reale on Vimeo.

Engagement – This Ring
Christmas – Impractical
Birthday – Studs
Valentines – Great Taste
Christmas – Mom & Baby

Shot with the Canon 5D MkII, slider track, daylight fluorescent softboxes, & Zoom H4n and shotgun mic.

View all the photos on our Facebook page.