While the Canon 5D MkII is used by low budget filmmakers to achieve a “Hollywood look”, it seems like Hollywood itself is adopting the camera more and more. Last year we reported on how Iron Man 2 used the popular HDSLR to shoot some of their racing scenes, a it seems that this year is no exception.

Jonathan Tayler, Director of Photography for “Captain America”, describes how the 5D MkII helped him achieve shots never before possible:

The challenge with a lot of action photography is getting the camera in the right position. I’m always looking to get the camera into impossible to reach places because those kinds of shots make action sequences much more exciting. Most 35mm motion-picture cameras and even the leading digital cinematography cameras are just too big to get into interesting positions. The thing with action is that the more angles you can shoot, the faster the cuts you can use, and the more energy you get into a sequence.