While we shot a ton of interviews at NAB, we didn’t hit everything. Fortunately the guys at FreshDV got interviews on these great field recorder solutions that cover both ends of the spectrum. While the Atomos Ninja seems to hit the perfect sweet spot of cost and functions, Blackmagic’s recorder comes in at a very palatable price. Cinedeck however offers you pretty much any recording option you could ever need.
Blackmagic $345 field recorder for those on a budget, Cinedeck recorder for those who want everything

hej jag har kamera canon xh a1 och nรยคr jag skulle spella in bรยถrjar hรยถppa bilden pรยฅ grund av hรยถgt music i lokalen
รย Okay, the dude says you can use this with the 5D … HOW???
I looked at the Ninja FAQ, and it basically said that some DSLRs (ie. the EOS cameras) don’t output a “clean” HDMI signal while recording. So how does this guy reckon you can record clean HD from the 5D? am I missing something?
Use magic….like from a lantern…hint hint